Discover Your Child's Mind and Unlock Their Genius!

My Page A Day helps young artists and creative children develop their artistic skills, learn new things, and express themselves in a fun and engaging way. 

A child’s perspective is pure magic. Their innocent wisdom and observations are to be treasured because they are pure gold. To protect your child’s innocence and natural curiosity, introduce creativity in everything they do.

Kids are smarter than what we give them credit for. Their wisdom is simplistic and to the point. Adults are the ones that like to complicate matters and fill in the blanks with their assumptions and unnecessary information. Kids just get to the point.

Uncover your child's exceptional mind, imagination, and unique qualities that set them apart and make them truly special.

Little girl of 3 years explores the horizon with her benoculars
Madison is five and concentrating intently on coloring her page just right.

Learn how to ask the right questions to help them expand that imagination while providing an insight into their world of thoughts, dreams, and what they understand.

Rediscover your inner child as you learn to see and experience the world through young eyes.

Enjoy lots of free gifts, interactive pages, and specially developed resources to help your child grow as curiosity and imagination are stirred through a variety of activities for the whole family.

As your child colors, their imagination is stimulated they will verbalize the wonderful stories they dream up. The lucky adult who is within earshot benefits from the wisdom and wonder that accompanies those simple tales.

Dr. C. Dormer
Dr. C. DormerChild Psychologist
As a psychologist who works with children and families on the art of communication and sharing a family's memories and heritage, I was shocked at the thoughts my daughter shared with me as she colored your pages each day. We enjoyed conversations on difficult topics and explored solutions that otherwise would have never been discussed. Having my daughter involved with her coloring set her mind free and surprised me with a depth of conversation that we'd never had before."
Becky H.
Becky H.Grandmother
What a great idea! I'm buying your ColorBook right away. Can't wait to color pages with my granddaughter!
Laura S.
Laura S.Mother of 5
I printed off every one of your coloring pages. My kids love having so many to pick from! I just love these!